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The Festival thanks its partners for their support.
Institutional partners
Private partners
Asso 'students
AEIB - Association Of Ivorian Students Of Besançon
The purpose of the association is to bring together all Ivorian students from Besançon in order to strengthen the bonds of fraternity...
BDE SLHS de Besançon - Student Office for Language, Human and Social Sciences
The BDE SLHS is a student association whose aim is to boost student life in the city center, to answer students' questions and to create...
ESSI : Health Students for International Solidarity
ESSI is a non-profit solidarity association bringing together fifteen students from the Faculty of Medicine, Pharmacy and Maieutics,...
INTERCORPO IUT Besançon Vesoul
An association that allows the different departments of IUT BV to be closer than ever, but not only. Based in the main building of the...
Radio campus Besançon 102.4 FM
Founded in 1997, Radio Campus Besançon is today an essential medium for student, local and cultural information on the territory of...
SOUNVI is an international solidarity association, made up of 12 medical students supported by volunteers. It aims to help Cambodian and...
GEOD - Doubs Speech Language Pathology Students Group
GEOD is the representative association of students from the Besançon speech therapy training center. Throughout the year, GEOD defends...
BDE Sciences & Techniques
The Office of Students in Sciences and Techniques is an association whose aim is to improve the cultural, artistic and sporting openness...
Besançon University Choir
The Vocal Music at the University association is open to anyone who wishes to practice polyphonic singing. It participates in the...
University Orchestra of Besançon and Franche-Comté
The university orchestra includes several formations. The first, the symphony orchestra, covers a varied repertoire: from Mozart to...
Franche-Comté University Sports Association
Its objective is to promote and organize the practice of sport in university competition. It complements the action of Campus Sports for...
Vélocampus Besançon
Vélocampus wants to develop cycling in Besançon through learning and practicing bicycle mechanics! - bike self-repair workshops - sale of...
Vélocampus of Lion
The missions of Vélocampus du lion are first of all to promote the use of the bicycle and make it accessible to all by renting it at a...
A'Doc - Association of young researchers of Franche-Comté
The A'Doc is a non-profit association from Franche-Comté since 1999, created by and for young researchers from the...
LUDI - Franche-Comté University Improvisation League
Improvisation theater is popular, open, accessible, dynamic and dynamic theater. It draws on all cultures, whether cinematographic,...
AFEV Besançon - Association of the Student Foundation for the City
Afev has been a recognized national association of general interest since 1991 which mobilizes thousands of students each year to support...
InfoCom in the loop at UFR SLHS
Recently created, this association aims to participate in the dynamism of the development of the students of the...
Togovi is an association made up of 12 students in maieutics, medicine and pharmacy. During the year we raise funds through the various...
BAF - Besançon Federated Associations
The BAF brings together 13 associations spread over the Besançon, Vesoul and Montbéliard campuses. Its primary mission is to remedy the...
Bouloie Residence Associations
We are an association which aims to energize the Colette residence. Contact:
This association brings together the stapsians of the APAS sector in Besançon. Our actions and projects aim to raise awareness of...
BDE STAPS Bisontin - STAPS student office
Association of Students of the UPFR Sports of Besançon. Contact :
Anim'toi Belfort
Student Association Social Careers. Contact :
Améki - Montbéliard Association of Physiotherapy Students
Student house of Montbéliard
In Montbéliard, the student house is managed by the MéMO association. It is a friendly place equipped with sofas, a television, various...
Eco-Campus is a student association created in 2014 with the aim of promoting social cohesion but also to raise students' awareness of...
BDE Mosel'Adio - Montbéliard
The BDE MOSEL'ADIO brings together the professional licenses MOSEL and ADIO from Montbéliard. Its primary goal is to animate student life...
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