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Image de Andre Taissin

Financial assistance

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In order to receive your financial aid more easily, it may be useful

to open a bank account in France.

Receive to Financial Aid


French public institutes offer a large number of scholarships for foreign students to help them finance their studies in France.

The Campus Bourses website lists all of the assistance provided by the States (French and foreign), regional authorities, companies, foundations and institutes of higher education. Filter your search by nationality, field and level of studies to find the assistance that corresponds to your profile.

More information:

Scholarships for international students
Financial aid for accomodation


As with French students, you may qualify for student accommodation financial aid from the CAF (Caisse d’allocations familiales – Family Benefits Agency).

More information: 


The University of Franche-Comté offers a digital aid program to equip students who do not have a computer or internet connection to study. To take advantage of this service, please contact your tutor.

Digital Assistance


Students benefit from preferential rates for their trips.

In addition to this, you need to know more about it.

Bus / tram

In addition to this, you need to know more about it.

Check out the reduced rates offered by the various transport networks:

In addition to this, you need to know more about it.


In addition to this, you need to know more about it.

The SNCF regional network offers reduced prices for young people:

In addition to this, you need to know more about it.


In addition to this, you need to know more about it.

With the Mobigo regional network, coach trips cost € 1.50.

More information:

Discount transports


To study abroad

In addition to this, you need to know more about it.

If you are continuing part of your studies abroad as part of an exchange program,

you can benefit from financial aid to cover travel and subsistence costs.

In addition to this, you need to know more about it.

  • Erasmus + scholarship
    Aid paid automatically to students participating in the Erasmus + European exchange program (between 3 and 12 months). Its amount varies depending on the cost of living in the destination country (between 150 and 300 € per month).

  • International mobility aid
    Aid reserved for scholarship students in higher education or beneficiaries of an annual allowance paid by the CROUS, who undertake a mobility abroad as part of their course (between 2 and 9 months). Its amount is € 400 per month. Its payment is not guaranteed for the entire mobility.

  • AQUISIS regional scholarship
    Monthly aid paid to students who move abroad as part of their course (between 3 and 10 months). Its amount varies according to the duration and type of mobility, the family quotient and the applicable scale. Valid for all exchange programs (Erasmus +, ISEP, BCI…).

  • In addition to this, you need to know more about it.

For any questions, you can contact

the University's Department of International Relations and Francophonie: .

Do an internship abroad

In addition to this, you need to know more about it.

If you are doing an internship abroad as part of your studies,

you can benefit from financial aid to cover travel and subsistence costs:

In addition to this, you need to know more about it.

  • Erasmus + internship grant
    Aid paid to students doing an internship in Europe (between 2 and 12 months). Its amount varies depending on the cost of living in the destination country (between 300 and 450 € per month).

  • International mobility aid for internships
    Aid reserved for scholarship students in higher education or beneficiaries of specific annual aid from CROUS, who carry out an internship abroad as part of their course (between 2 and 9 months). Its amount is € 400 per month. Its payment is not guaranteed for the entire mobility.

  • Dynastage regional scholarship
    Monthly aid paid to students doing an internship abroad as part of their course (between 2 weeks and 6 months). Its amount varies according to the duration and type of mobility, the family quotient and the applicable scale.



In order to more easily receive your financial aid,

it may be useful to open a bank account in France

Help guide 

In the context of the health crisis we are going through, the University of Franche-Comté has created a guide listing the assistance available to its students (material, financial, psychological, etc.).

To find here:  

Scholarships for international students  

French public institutions offer numerous scholarships to foreign students to help them finance their studies in France. The Campus Bourses site lists all the aid granted by the States (French and foreign), local authorities, companies, foundations and higher education institutions. Filter your search by nationality, field and level of study to find the aid that matches your profile.

More information: 


Internationnal students

Pour les étudiants en situation de handicap

L’université peut vous proposer des elle n’est pas compétente en matière d’aide à la vie quotidienne. Pour cela, il est conseillé de faire une demande de reconnaissance de personne en situation de handicap délivrée par la Maison Départementale des Personnes Handicapées (MDPH) de votre lieu de résidence.


Ce statut ouvre des droits et vous permet de bénéficier de certaines aides (AAH, AEEH, PCH) très utiles pour vos études (aides financières, aides techniques, aides aux trajets, véhicule adapté, assistant de vie universitaire, etc.). Cette démarche engagée est individuelle et confidentielle. Une fois son statut acquis, c’est à vous d’informer, si vous le souhaitez, l’université, vos enseignants, et plus tard votre employeur.

  • MDPH du Doubs :

  • MDPH de Haute-Saône :

  • MDPH du Jura : mdph39@

  • MDPH du Territoire de Belfort :

  • Fédération 100% handinamique : c’est un mouvement national de jeunes qui vise à conforter le parcours de formation et d’insertion professionnelle des jeunes handicapés. La structure donne accès à une bourse et à du mentorat notamment :



Whether you are a scholarship holder or not, housed in a university residence or not,

the Crous Bourgogne-Franche-Comté offers financial aid (annual or one-off) for students who encounter serious difficulties.

To benefit from it, make an appointment with the Crous social service

on the platform.

More information:

  • RSS
  • Instagram Bienvenue aux étudiants
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