BDE SLHS de Besançon - Student Office for Language, Human and Social Sciences
The BDE SLHS is a student association whose aim is to boost student life in the city center, to answer students' questions and to create...
BDE SLHS de Besançon - Student Office for Language, Human and Social Sciences
INTERCORPO IUT Besançon Vesoul
Radio campus Besançon 102.4 FM
GEOD - Doubs Speech Language Pathology Students Group
A'Doc - Association of young researchers of Franche-Comté
InfoCom in the loop at UFR SLHS
BAF - Besançon Federated Associations
Bouloie Residence Associations
BDE STAPS Bisontin - STAPS student office
Anim'toi Belfort
Améki - Montbéliard Association of Physiotherapy Students
Student house of Montbéliard
BDE Mosel'Adio - Montbéliard